PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

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PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by wartech »

PrimalXML 2015 version (x64) on
Win7 Pro SP1 (x64)

I recently taught myself some XSLT to produce air freight crate packing lists from XML files.

The original XSL file worked fine when applying it in PrimalXML, and it worked well when applying the transform in Internet Explorer.
Later, it became necessary to use Firefox to view the data; I had to change one of the namespace references to make it work.

Now, when I try to apply the new style sheet in PrimalXML I get the following error message:
Error snapshot
Error snapshot
PXMLError.png (20.01 KiB) Viewed 21917 times
Unfortunately this form won't permit me to include the namespace URLs in a code listing, so I've attached the original (PackNoteMS.xsl) and new (PackNote.xsl) style sheets.

I can live with having to view the results in Firefox, but it would be handy to be able to use PrimalXML (I was so impressed with it that I badgered my boss into buying me a license).
Can you tell me if this is a fault in my coding or an incompatibilty in PrimalXML?

Original & new XSL files
(1.96 KiB) Downloaded 934 times
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PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by SAPIEN Support Forums »

This is an automated post. A real person will respond soon.

Thank you for posting, wartech.

Did you remember to include the following?
  • 1. Product, version and build (e.g. Product: PrimalXML 2014, Version & Build: 4.0.31. Version and build information can be found in the product's About box accessed by clicking the blue icon with the 'i' in the upper right hand corner of the ribbon.)
    2. Specify if you are running a 32 or 64 bit version
    3. Specify your operating system and if it is 32 or 64 bit.
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Re: PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by davidc »

Can you post a sample XML file that triggers this error? I tested this on arbitrary XML files and did not get an error.

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Re: PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by wartech »

Sorry, I should have thought of that:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='packnote.xsl'?>
<Note created="2015-08-13T15:15:33" customer="ED001">
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Re: PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by davidc »

FireFox has necessary module with the functions included. In the case of PrimalXML you will need to import the functions.


You will need a copy of the xsl module stylesheet and import it in the PackNote.xsl:
<xsl:import href="exsl.xsl" />

SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: PrimalXML error on applying XSLT style sheet

Post by wartech »

Many thanks.
I think I've got a lot more learning to do :)
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