I'm developing a tray app to dynamically load and run my scripts. Loading directories and their scripts works fine. I also want to include themes, ensuring only one theme can be selected at a time.
However, I'm struggling with getting the items to execute properly using SetMenuHandler or add_Click({}). The items don't seem to respond as expected.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong? I'm also open to suggestions on techniques or concepts I should look into to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance!
- FUNCTION Build-ContextMenu {
- IF ($SAPIENHost -ne $null) {
- $Menu = $SAPIENHost.GetContextMenuStrip()
- WHILE ($Menu.Items.Count -gt 2) {
- $Menu.Items.RemoveAt(0)
- }
- Add-ThemeItems
- Add-ScriptItems
- }
- }
- FUNCTION Add-ThemeItems {
- $JsonPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) -ChildPath "Themes.json"
- IF (-not (Test-Path -Path $JsonPath -PathType Leaf)) {
- $null = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$JsonPath not found", "404 Not Found", 'OK', 'Error')
- }
- $Menu = $SAPIENHost.GetContextMenuStrip()
- $ThemeMenuItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
- $ThemeMenuItem.Name = "Themeauswahl"
- $ThemeMenuItem.Text = "Themeauswahl"
- $Menu.Items.Insert($Menu.Items.Count - 2, $ThemeMenuItem) | Out-Null
- $Themes = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]]::new()
- $Json = Get-Content $JsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
- FOREACH ($key IN $Json.PSObject.Properties) {
- $Themes.Add($key.Name.Trim())
- }
- FOREACH ($Theme IN $Themes) {
- $ThemeSubmenuItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
- $ThemeSubmenuItem.Name = $Theme
- $ThemeSubmenuItem.Text = $Theme
- $ThemeMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add($ThemeSubmenuItem) | Out-Null
- $action = {
- Write-Log -Text "Theme has changed - $($this.Text)" -PrintOut
- $global:Theme = $this.Text
- $ThemeMenuItem.DropDownItems | where { $_.Text -ne $this.Text } | foreach { $_.Checked = $false }
- $this.Checked = $true
- }.GetNewClosure()
- Write-Log -Text $ThemeMenuItem.DropDownItems[0].GetType() -PrintOut
- $SAPIENHost.SetMenuHandler($ThemeSubmenuItem, $action)
- }
- $handler = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler]{
- PARAM ($sender,
- $e)
- Write-Log -Text "Theme clicked... $($e.ClickedItem.Text)" -PrintOut
- $global:Theme = $e.ClickedItem.Text
- $ThemeMenuItem.DropDownItems | where { $_.Text -ne $e.ClickedItem.Text } | foreach { $_.Checked = $false }
- $e.ClickedItem.Checked = $true
- }
- $ThemeMenuItem.add_DropDownItemClicked($handler)
- }
- FUNCTION Add-ScriptItems {
- $Menu = $SAPIENHost.GetContextMenuStrip()
- $scriptDirectories = Locate-Scripts
- FOREACH ($directory IN $scriptDirectories.Keys) {
- $ScriptMenuItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
- $ScriptMenuItem.Name = $directory
- $ScriptMenuItem.Text = $directory.Substring(3)
- FOREACH ($script IN $scriptDirectories[$directory]) {
- $ScriptSubmenuItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
- $ScriptSubmenuItem.Name = $script
- $ScriptSubmenuItem.Text = $script.Substring(3, $script.Length - 3).Replace("-", " ")
- $SAPIENHost.SetMenuHandler($ScriptSubmenuItem, { Execute-Skript -Directory $directory -Script $script }.GetNewClosure())
- $ScriptMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add($ScriptSubmenuItem) | Out-Null
- }
- $Menu.Items.Insert($Menu.Items.Count - 2, $ScriptMenuItem) | Out-Null
- }
- }