Install .Net and PowerShell 7

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Install .Net and PowerShell 7

Post by leewalker »

Product, version and build: PowerShell Studio 2024 v5.8.248
Operating system: Windows 11
PowerShell version(s): 7.4.5

*** Please add details and screenshots as needed below. ***

When running my compiled MSI on another machine (Sandbox), I'm being asked to install .Net and since PowerShell 7 isn't installed, I have to install that as well for my Windows Forms app to run.
I am unable to get these 2 additional requirements to install after the MSI install. I've set this up in 'Custom Actions' but obviously doing something wrong.

After running the EXE after installation -
SP1.png (58.46 KiB) Viewed 332 times
The Custom Actions settings (I've tried a number of different options here) -
SP2.png (70.49 KiB) Viewed 332 times
The Files and Folders settings. The bottom folder (redist) contains the .Net and PowerShell installers that successfully copy into the Install folder when running the MSI -
SP3.png (80.49 KiB) Viewed 332 times
Any and all help is appreciated!
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: Install .Net and PowerShell 7

Post by Alexander Riedel »

As you added a folder to the installer ('redist'), the files in that folder are also installed in a folder underneath your INSTALLDIR.
So in your custom action you need to refer to the file using that folder name. In your example that would be
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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