I have one script, just one (which is weird) that will not work with get-help.
Here is the section
This script will modify permissions ona shared mailbox
This script will modify the permissions on a Shared Mailbox.
1. It will require a connection to Exchange Online
2. It will require a list of mailboxes to Add or Delete
.PARAMETER SharedMailbox
Mandatory. The Email address of the Shared Mailbox
The list of mailboxes to grant full access and send as permissions. In this format - "Dave.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca","Frederic.Charette@dfo-mpo.gc.ca"
The list of mailbox to remove full access and send as permissions. In this format - "Dave.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca","Frederic.Charette@dfo-mpo.gc.ca"
PS C:\> SharedMailboxPer.ps1 -SharedMailbox "Something@dfo-mpo.gc.a" -Add "Dave.McDonald@dfo-mpo.gc.ca","Frederic.Charette@dfo-mpo.gc.ca" -Remove "John.Flemming@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Now I have rebuilt it and copied it etc etc and it still doesn't work with :
get-help .\SharedMailboxPerm.ps1
Every time it tries to run a search instead of pulling the information from that file.
Any ideas?
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