trouble with responsive form

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trouble with responsive form

Post by monderick »

i went through the 'creating responsive forms' blog post and have a 99% working script but cannot find where to insert the $script:timer.Stop() to reset the loop in the below listbox snippet.
the function updates the richtextbox and loop works great but locks the GUI.

if i write the same function for generic System.Windows.Forms it all works as expected so i don't know if Powershell Studio handles it differently.
thanks for any guidance on this, driving me crazy for some time now
  1. $listbox1_SelectedIndexChanged = {
  2.     $workstation= $listbox1.SelectedItem
  3.     $script:timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
  4.     $script:timer.Interval = 1000
  5.     $script:timer.Add_Tick({
  6.             CheckStatus
  7.         })
  8.     $script:timer.Start()
  9. }
  11. function CheckStatus
  12. {
  13.     $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
  14.         $workstation = $Using:workstation
  15.         Invoke-Command -computer *redacted* -ScriptBlock { Get-BrokerMachine -MaxRecordCount 2000 | ?{ $_.PublishedName -eq "$Using:workstation" } }
  16.     }
  17.         $job | wait-job | receive-job -outvariable status
  19.     if ($status.registrationstate -eq 'Registered')
  20.          {
  21.         $richtextbox1.ForeColor = 'Green'
  22.         $richtextbox1.Text = "$workstation is registered and should be available"
  23.         }
  24.     else
  25.     {
  26.         $richtextbox1.ForeColor = 'Red'
  27.         $richtextbox1.Text = "$workstation is rebooting or not responding."
  28.     }
  30. }
if i just put $script:timer.Stop() at the end of listbox1_SelectedIndexChanged block, it errors:

ERROR: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Power cycle WVM.psf (181, 1): ERROR: At Line: 181 char: 1
ERROR: + $script:timer.Stop()
ERROR: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ERROR: + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
ERROR: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
ERROR: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
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