Windows Updates - Output to textbox

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Windows Updates - Output to textbox

Post by DReAMeRnz »

Hi all,

I wrote a powershell script that we can use in our remote access tool to run Windows Updates without bothering the client, then just email them and request that they reboot.

In Powershell, I get to see the verbose output of the script, mainly the Get-WindowsUpdate command and it gives me a verbose output with key information.
  1. VERBOSE: VDFF0002L (20/12/2023 3:16:10 pm): Connecting to Microsoft Update server. Please wait...
  2. VERBOSE: Found [18] Updates in pre search criteria
  3. VERBOSE: Found [1] Updates in post search criteria
  5. VERBOSE: Accepted [1] Updates ready to Download
  6. VERBOSE: Downloaded [1] Updates ready to Install
I've started converting my script into a GUI and have set it up to show the available updates and prompt to continue, I would like to know if it's possible to then output the verbose into my RichTextBox?
  1. if ([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Continue?", "Would you like to install these updates?", [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OKCancel) -eq "OK")
  2.         {
  3.             $richtextbox_Output.Clear()
  4.             $richtextbox1.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
  5.             $richtextbox1.AppendText("Installing updates... `n")
  6.             Get-WindowsUpdate -NotCategory "Drivers" -NotTitle "Windows 11" -Verbose -Install -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot
  7.         }
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