We bought power shell studio in January 27,2023

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We bought power shell studio in January 27,2023

Post by MikeCharif »

To help you better we need some information from you.

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Product, version and build:
Operating system: wind 10/11
PowerShell version(s):

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we have 25 users licenses how I can download the software on one or 2 USB drives to install the software on 25 computers.
Thank you.

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Adam Crowe
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Re: We bought power shell studio in January 27,2023

Post by Adam Crowe »

Hello, thank you for your question.

To address your query, installation of our software will not work with USB drives. Instead please follow these directions to install the software on multiple computers:

According to our records, the key registered to your account has 25 licenses associated with it.
Therefore, please:
  1. Have each user create their own SAPIEN Technologies account
  2. As the administrator, add each user as an end-user to the license. Please look at "Scenario Two - I will be managing the Activation Key(s) for multiple End Users." in this guide: https://info.sapien.com/index.php/quick ... ation-keys
  3. Once the end-user has been added to the license, they can then download the software from their own registered product page.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or encounter issues in the procedure.

Thank you,
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: We bought power shell studio in January 27,2023

Post by Alexander Riedel »

The software itself is always available for download from our web site or your SAPIEN Account page.
Your question does not make it 100% clear if you want to run the software from these USB drives or just install from them.
The latter sounds like a scenario where your computers are offline. If that is the case you will require an offline activation file.
You can request that from your SAPIEN Account page as well.
If there is some other scenario that is not covered here, please contact sales@sapien.com directly for assistance.
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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