What does "Synchronize newer files" do?

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What does "Synchronize newer files" do?

Post by pmascari »

In the Properties window of a repository is a checkbox, that is UNchecked by default, labeled: "Synchronize newer files". I've looked through the help files and documentation but haven't found a description of what this does.

Can you help?
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Re: What does "Synchronize newer files" do?

Post by brittneyr »

If two or machines are used to edit the files, this setting can copy the newer files back to the other machines from the repository.

For example, say you have a desktop and a laptop with VersionRecall pushing versions to the same repository. You update CreateAccts.ps1 on machine A and it gets pushed to the repository. Machine B connects to the same repository. This setting will copy the newer files back to machine B from the repository when you do a Copy All or use the service.
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