Too many running instances.

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Too many running instances.

Post by kevmo8 »

When launching Powershell Studio 2024 it keeps asking me to activate it. It shows as active in the store already under my devops suite license. I type in my username, password, and activation key and it tells me "All instances allowed for this subscription are currently in use. Please close a running instance on another computer and try again". I closed those running instances over 30 minutes ago and still cannot get it to launch on this machine.
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: Too many running instances.

Post by Alexander Riedel »

This is a subscription license. While it can be activated on up to 20 computers it can only be active on two at the same time.
According to our logs, you have the software activated on 4 computers and currently running on two of them.
If you attempt to start it on a third machine you would get the message you are likely seeing (without screenshot I cannot be sure)
Please check if PowerShell Studio is running on these machines and if they are connected to the internet.
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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