Powershell Studio ~ The Fastest? I think so

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Powershell Studio ~ The Fastest? I think so

Post by Woody_033 »

Product: PowerShell Studio 2023 (64 Bit) Build: v5.8.228
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64 Bit) Build: v10.0.19045.0
PSVersion: 5.1.19041.3031
I know i grip about a lot of stuff, but I though I would share something positive
On the weekend I was trying to debug some RunSpace in my fast file discovery
And for some reason I was getting different results when running it in console. I kept thinking that there was something wrong with my code. RunSpace's :roll: Even had my friend test it on his system, same thing different results; not the same as I was getting whyle debugging.

Just to give some context:
I am scanning 1.2M items with about 30~40 filters and getting about 580k in results
When I would run my script in PowerShell Studio, I would my counter would never break past 700k, but when I ran it elsewhere the counter would top out at 1.2m and I kept thinking there was something wrong with my script block & RunSpace :roll:

Turns out, it was all PowerShell Studio!!! Yup It is just simply the fastest! :lol:
Untitled.png (34.01 KiB) Viewed 24033 times
The numbers kept looking skued,because it as processing information faster then everything else! The editor, witch one would have assumed as slower, was faster than its own console. So Kudos's
Thumps Up (Custom).png
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J A Reif
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Re: Powershell Studio ~ The Fastest? I think so

Post by J A Reif »

Thank you for the feedback! I'll make sure the developers see this. :D
June Alane Reif
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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