PowerShell 7.x support still not available?

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PowerShell 7.x support still not available?

Post by nelmedia »

I noticed an issue with creating a new project using the module import function. It fails just as noted in the previous forum post about the assembly not being found. the response from Sapien is that PoSH 7 is not yet supported and that he should make a "request" to have it supported.
That seems like a rather ridiculous statement to me. PowerShell 7 has been out since March of 2020. 7.2 was released on November of 2021.
Is Sapien saying that every time a new version of PowerShell is released that the paid user base must "request" compatibility with versions, even ones that are over 2 years old?
Any feedback on this @brittneyr or anyone else from Sapien?

Product, version and build: 2.3.55
Operating system: Win11
PowerShell version(s): 7.2.3
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Re: PowerShell 7.x support still not available?

Post by brittneyr »

PowerShell 7 support for PowerShell HelpWriter is in the works.
I do not have an ETA at this time.
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Re: PowerShell 7.x support still not available?

Post by brittneyr »

PowerShell HelpWriter 2023 was released with PowerShell 7 support. For more information, please refer to the following article:
https://www.sapien.com/blog/2023/01/17/ ... 7-support/
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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