PrimalXML and large file support

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PrimalXML and large file support

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Product, version and build: PrimalXML 2017 Version 4.3.45
(*** Please do not write "latest" as a version, specify a version number ***)
32 or 64 bit version of product: 64
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro on laptop with Xeon processor and 64 GB Ram
32 or 64 bit OS: 64

PrimalXML locks up when trying to open a 13 MB xml file. It also effectively kills Windows until I can kill PrimalXML. Fortunately NotePad++ handles the file with ease. Can PrimalXML be adjusted to handle large files better?
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Re: PrimalXML and large file support

Post by davidc »

In order to improve load speeds, try the following:

1. Disable the "Format XML on open" option.
2. Close the Navigation panel before opening the file.

Please let me know if this helps in your case.
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: PrimalXML and large file support

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Well it opened the file. But when I click on the tree navigation to navigate to a specific place it stops responding. Not seeing the value if features have to be turned off to use the program.
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Re: PrimalXML and large file support

Post by davidc »

I opened a large XML (over 15 MB) and I was able to jump to the location using the Navigation pane. It could be potentially related to the file itself. If you can, please zip and upload the XML file using the link below and we will investigate the issue further.
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: PrimalXML and large file support

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Sorry - I cannot provide the file due to the confidential information in it.
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