XPath Search Panel - Font size issue

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XPath Search Panel - Font size issue

Post by datacore.glenn »

Product, version and build:
PrimalXML Version 4.3.45
OS Version Windows 10 Pro x64

Hello Sapien team,

I apologise for repeating myself, as I've raised this point as a product wish previously however it is becoming a productivity issue for me, as the Simple XPath Search feature is one that I make extensive use of and the problem described here makes that difficult.

Running at high resolution and high DPI on my laptop (3200 x 1800, Intel HD 5500 chipset) the amount of on-screen real estate given over to the XPath Query text input box is far too small and the font size it uses is miniscule. Please might this be increased to a useable size? I am aware that the Options panel allows a larger font size to be selected for the document window but this does not have any affect on the text here.
SimpleXPathSearch_Panel_FontIssue.png (47.92 KiB) Viewed 16336 times
The same input text box area and its font on the Element View panel is a bit larger and more useable, although still noticeably clipped.
ElementView_Panel.png (27.21 KiB) Viewed 16336 times
Many thanks,
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Re: XPath Search Panel - Font size issue

Post by davidc »

Thank you for reporting this. The sizing issue should be resolved in the next service release.
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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