Custom Query Window

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Custom Query Window

Post by timstspry17 »

Product, version and build:2.2.66
32 or 64 bit version of product:64 bit
Operating system:WIndows 10 Enterprise
32 or 64 bit OS:64 bit

This window cannot be widened, nor does the text wrap in the window. It is hard to write a very long WMI query without being able to widen the window, or have the text wrap to the next line.
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: Custom Query Window

Post by Alexander Riedel »

I do not know how long your queries are. But you know you can insert newlines at your leisure to format the query as you like?
If you could show us a sample of what you are trying to write, maybe we can use that to improve this dialog.
wmi.png (10.91 KiB) Viewed 23174 times
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Last visit: Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:49 pm

Re: Custom Query Window

Post by timstspry17 »

While I didn't realize that I could insert a new line to format the query and that does work, it would be nice if the dialog was resizable. Here is my query reformatted per your suggestion:
2016-06-28_17-41-06.png (7.06 KiB) Viewed 23149 times
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