Blank pop up while exporting help from module

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Blank pop up while exporting help from module

Post by gaelcolas »

Product, version and build: 1.1.20
32 or 64 bit version of product: 64Bit
Operating system: Windows 10 (TP Fast ring, but it was also doing it in GA)
32 or 64 bit OS: 64bit


I've tried to load one of my module in development to generate help file based on the syntax, but it starts and after a bit (~1min) then a blank pop up comes up (as per screenshot).
It looks like it still generates the file, and from a quick glance all functions directly defined in the file are imported.
Some command proxy help are forwarded as per the tags:
.ForwardHelpTargetName Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host
.ForwardHelpCategory Cmdlet

My module is on github if you want to try:

I suspect that it can be two problems, maybe together:
- A memory issue or similar
- The fact that I use dynamic param extensively

My github uses git submodules to reference one of my other library (lib.common), so if you download only the zip file for log4ps, it will NOT download that dependency (github is not perfect, yet).
You need to either git clone recursively:
git clone --recursive git://
Or if using the zip, you need to also download and extract to the log4ps/lib folder.

Let me know if any question.

After a while, blank pop up
After a while, blank pop up
sapien_3.png (42.05 KiB) Viewed 24370 times
Selecting module
Selecting module
sapien_2.png (40.78 KiB) Viewed 24370 times
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Re: Blank pop up while exporting help from module

Post by juneblender »

Hi, Gael! Thanks for taking the time to explain and post on the forum. I'll download the module and see if I can reproduce it, then work with my colleagues on the dev team.

Best wishes,
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