Replicate Parameter text in a Help file

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Replicate Parameter text in a Help file

Post by MASUAC »

While writing Help for a module, the same parameter was used on multiple cmdlets.
Instead of manually replicating the text, I wrote the following short script that does that for you.

The colour code I used on the parameters:
  • Green - parameter Help present
  • Yellow - parameter Help copied
  • Red - no parameter Help found
Verify the generated XML before overwriting or replacing the old file!
  1. # Scans all cmdlets and parameters in a Help file
  2. # Stores the parameter Help text, if it finds any
  3. # Fills in the Help text on parameters with the same name that have no Help text
  4. # Result is saved in HelpFile-new.xml
  6. $HelpFile = 'HelpFile.xml'
  8. [xml]$help = Get-Content -Path $HelpFile
  10. $parmTab = @{}
  12. # Requires 2 runs to be independent of the order in the XML file
  13. 1..2 | %{
  14.   Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "`nRun $_`n"
  15. # For each cmdlet
  16.   foreach($cmd in $help.helpItems.command){
  17.     Write-Host "$($"
  18. # For each parameter
  19.     foreach($parm in $cmd.parameters.parameter){
  20. # Do we have help for that parameter
  21.       if($parm.description.para)
  22.       {
  23.         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "`t$($"
  24. # Remember it
  25.         if(!$parmTab.ContainsKey($
  26.         {
  27.           $parmTab.Add($,$parm.description.para)
  28.         }
  29.         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`t`t$($parm.description.para)"
  30.       }
  31.       else
  32.       {
  33. # Did we already have a text for this parameter
  34.         if($parmTab.ContainsKey($
  35.         {
  36.           Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "`t$($`t`t$($parmTab.Item($"
  37. # Enter the help text
  38.           $parm.description.para = $parmTab.Item($
  39.         }
  40.         else
  41.         {
  42.           Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline "`t$($"
  43.         }
  44.         Write-Host ''
  45.       }
  46.     }
  47.   }
  48. }
  50. $help.Save($HelpFile.Replace('.xml','-new.xml'))
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Last visit: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:54 am

Re: Replicate Parameter text in a Help file

Post by juneblender »

Awesome. Thanks so much.
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