Import/Create with Custom Types

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Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by kmkirkpatrick »

When creating a new help file and importing from an existing module that has custom .NET types I get two errors. In this particular case, I have cmdlets in the module that specify .NET Types that get loaded as part of VMware's PowerCLI PSSnapIn.

The first error I get looks like this:
Error 1
Error 1
pshw_error1.PNG (35.45 KiB) Viewed 24528 times
The second error is just a blank window:
Error 2
Error 2
pshw_error2.PNG (31.85 KiB) Viewed 24528 times
After clicking through these, the import process hangs and I have to cancel out.

It appears that since the PowerCLI .NET types get loaded just-in-time, PSHW is not aware of them?

Any help is much appreciated.

PSHW Version: 1.0.15
OS: Windows 7 x64
PS Version: 5.0.10514.6
Installed Sapien Products: PS Studio 2015, WMI Explorer 2015, Productivity Pack 2015
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Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by SAPIEN Support Forums »

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Thank you for posting, kmkirkpatrick.

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  • 1. Product, version and build (e.g. Product: PowerShell Help Writer 2015, Version & Build: 1.0.9. Version and build information can be found in the product's About box accessed by clicking the blue icon with the 'i' in the upper right hand corner of the ribbon.)
    2. Specify if you are running a 32 or 64 bit version
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Re: Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by juneblender »

When you run Get-Command -Module <ModuleName> on the cmdlets/functions in your module, are the results accurate? In particular, the command syntax and parameter attributes?
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Re: Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by kmkirkpatrick »


It works when I have the PowerCLI PSSnapin loaded, but errors if I have not loaded the PSSnapin, which is what I expected.
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Re: Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by juneblender »

That makes sense. Since 3.0, PowerShell is optimized for managing modules, but the optimizations, like module auto-loading, don't affect snap-ins.

Let's see if David comes up with a solution for your help file.
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Re: Import/Create with Custom Types

Post by davidc »

We are attempting to recreate the issue.

SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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