Change Vue Move File Error

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Change Vue Move File Error

Post by jefcrawf2 »


I am having a problem where if I try to move a file inside of ChangeVue it throws an error. The error occurs on any file move.

Error: Unable to move [ROOT 2012]\Applications\AppV.ps1
Reason: The Move File failed, possibly due to a locked resources
Result: The file has not been moved and remains in its original location

If it makes any difference the ChangeVue repository and files reside on a file server, and all access is occurring through a mapped network drive.

OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
ChangeVue Version: 2.2.85
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Change Vue Move File Error

Post by SAPIEN Support Forums »

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Thank you for posting, jefcrawf.

Did you remember to include the following?
  • 1. Product, version and build (e.g. Product: ChangeVue 2014, Version & Build: 2.2.81. Version and build information can be found in the product's About box accessed by clicking the blue icon with the 'i' in the upper right hand corner of the ribbon.)
    2. Specify if you are running a 32 or 64 bit version
    3. Specify your operating system and if it is 32 or 64 bit.
    4. Attach a screenshot if your issue can be seen on the screen
    5. Attach a zip file if you have multiple files (crash reports, log entries, etc.) related to your issue.
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: Change Vue Move File Error

Post by Alexander Riedel »

Most likely the underlying OS cannot move the file. Can you try to copy and delete from the other location?
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: Change Vue Move File Error

Post by jefcrawf2 »

I can manually move/delete the files just fine. It is only inside ChangeVue that an error is being encountered. There is no file locks on the files themselves, and all locations/files are impacted so long as the operation is performed inside of ChangeVue.

Basically in order to move a file around in the repository right now I have to manually brows it cut the file I want to move, and then place it inside the desired location. This causes it to show up where I wanted it inside of ChangeVue.

If there are any log files or anything I can ship up I would be happy to do so.
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Alexander Riedel
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Re: Change Vue Move File Error

Post by Alexander Riedel »

I looked at the code and the message basically only appears of the OS says "MoveFile" failed. There is no log for that particular error.
I added the destination and source path to the error for the next service release. Then we can see what it wants to move where.
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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