A better folderbrowserdialog

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A better folderbrowserdialog

Post by PGomersall »

I just read the post by cgkomodo about how to use the Windows forms folderbrowserdialog
fbd.png (24.65 KiB) Viewed 16519 times
and thought that I should post info on what may be a better option
fsd.png (26.98 KiB) Viewed 16518 times
as it may be helpful to many; it is a really useful piece of code for me. The builtin folderbrowserdialog has several limitations and even Microsoft doesn't use it for their own applications. For me it cannot handle UNC paths and you cannot paste in a folder path to start browsing. This led me to look online for a better method to use in PowerShell UI scripts and within PowerShell Studio. What I found was a piece of C# code that extended the OpenFileDialog so that it could be used for folder browsing. This can be viewed at http://www.lyquidity.com/devblog/?p=136 This is an excellent little C# project from which I modified the code to be useful in PowerShell. Basically I use some of the source code to build a function that contains a type definition for a folderselectdialog that I then load, in the case of a PowerShell Studio GUI as part of the load event. The dialog can then be called via the new-object cmdlet.
The code is below:
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Function BuildDialog {
	$sourcecode = @"
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Reflection;
namespace FolderSelect
	public class FolderSelectDialog
		System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofd = null;
		public FolderSelectDialog()
			ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
			ofd.Filter = "Folders|\n";
			ofd.AddExtension = false;
			ofd.CheckFileExists = false;
			ofd.DereferenceLinks = true;
			ofd.Multiselect = false;
		public string InitialDirectory
			get { return ofd.InitialDirectory; }
			set { ofd.InitialDirectory = value == null || value.Length == 0 ? Environment.CurrentDirectory : value; }
		public string Title
			get { return ofd.Title; }
			set { ofd.Title = value == null ? "Select a folder" : value; }
		public string FileName
			get { return ofd.FileName; }
		public bool ShowDialog()
			return ShowDialog(IntPtr.Zero);
		public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
			bool flag = false;

			if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
				var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");
				uint num = 0;
				Type typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
				object dialog = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
				r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);
				uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
				options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
				r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);
				object pfde = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
				object[] parameters = new object[] { pfde, num };
				r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
				num = (uint)parameters[1];
					int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
					flag = 0 == num2;
					r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
				var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
				fbd.Description = this.Title;
				fbd.SelectedPath = this.InitialDirectory;
				fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
				if (fbd.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(hWndOwner)) != DialogResult.OK) return false;
				ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;
				flag = true;
			return flag;
	public class WindowWrapper : System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
		public WindowWrapper(IntPtr handle)
			_hwnd = handle;
		public IntPtr Handle
			get { return _hwnd; }

		private IntPtr _hwnd;
	public class Reflector
		string m_ns;
		Assembly m_asmb;
		public Reflector(string ns)
			: this(ns, ns)
		{ }
		public Reflector(string an, string ns)
			m_ns = ns;
			m_asmb = null;
			foreach (AssemblyName aN in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies())
				if (aN.FullName.StartsWith(an))
					m_asmb = Assembly.Load(aN);
		public Type GetType(string typeName)
			Type type = null;
			string[] names = typeName.Split('.');

			if (names.Length > 0)
				type = m_asmb.GetType(m_ns + "." + names[0]);

			for (int i = 1; i < names.Length; ++i) {
				type = type.GetNestedType(names, BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			return type;
		public object New(string name, params object[] parameters)
			Type type = GetType(name);
			ConstructorInfo[] ctorInfos = type.GetConstructors();
			foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in ctorInfos) {
				try {
					return ci.Invoke(parameters);
				} catch { }

			return null;
		public object Call(object obj, string func, params object[] parameters)
			return Call2(obj, func, parameters);
		public object Call2(object obj, string func, object[] parameters)
			return CallAs2(obj.GetType(), obj, func, parameters);
		public object CallAs(Type type, object obj, string func, params object[] parameters)
			return CallAs2(type, obj, func, parameters);
		public object CallAs2(Type type, object obj, string func, object[] parameters) {
			MethodInfo methInfo = type.GetMethod(func, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			return methInfo.Invoke(obj, parameters);
		public object Get(object obj, string prop)
			return GetAs(obj.GetType(), obj, prop);
		public object GetAs(Type type, object obj, string prop) {
			PropertyInfo propInfo = type.GetProperty(prop, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			return propInfo.GetValue(obj, null);
		public object GetEnum(string typeName, string name) {
			Type type = GetType(typeName);
			FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(name);
			return fieldInfo.GetValue(null);
	$assemblies = ('System.Windows.Forms', 'System.Reflection')
	Add-Type -TypeDefinition $sourceCode -ReferencedAssemblies $assemblies -ErrorAction STOP

Placing the function name "BuildDialog" in the load event places it in memory and then you can call it with something like:
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$fsd = New-Object FolderSelect.FolderSelectDialog
    $fsd.Title = "What to select";
    $fsd.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

Getting the selected path back is as simple as:
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$SourceFolder = $fsd.FileName

I hope people find it useful.
Last edited by PGomersall on Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:37 am, edited 7 times in total.
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A better folderbrowserdialog

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Re: A better folderbrowserdialog

Post by davidc »

[This post was moved to the PowerShell GUIs forum by the moderator]

Thank you for the posting the suggestion. Maybe I will create a Control Set for it.

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Re: A better folderbrowserdialog

Post by PGomersall »

David - can you explain what a control set is?
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Re: A better folderbrowserdialog

Post by davidc »

Control sets are pre-wired controls in PowerShell Studio:


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