How to a report problem. Please read before posting.

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Alexander Riedel
Posts: 8615
Last visit: Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:46 pm
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Been upvoted: 45 times

How to a report problem. Please read before posting.

Post by Alexander Riedel »

Please include all relevant information in your initial report:

- Product, version, build (Please do not use abbreviations, "PS" can mean "PowerShell Studio" as well as "PrimalScript")

- Specify if you are running a 32 or 64 bit version

- Your operating system and if it is 32 or 64 bit.

- If your issue can be seen on the screen, please post a screenshot. We may see details you missed or didn't consider relevant.

- If you have multiple files (crash reports, log entries, sample files, screenshots) please attach them in a zip file. It is much easier to download all the files than wade through an extremely long post.

- Avoid "doesn't work" as a descriptive term. Describe what you expected and what you saw and be as exact as you can be.

- Do not post on someone else's thread. You may think you have the same issue but create a new post nonetheless. Please leave it to us to determine if issues are related.

- Do not email, post and submit a support ticket for the same issue. If you have premium support, create a ticket. If you don't, post here. If you multi-post your issue will just take longer to handle and your answer or help will be delayed.
Alexander Riedel
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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