[VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

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[VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by hackoo »

Hi ;)
In order to finish my code, i would like to add a function when i click over (+) ==> Expand
and when i click over (-) ==> Collpase

So here is my code :
VBScript Code
Double-click the code block to select all.
Option Explicit
Dim oFilesys,oFiletxt,Path,Ws,SourceImgFolder,StartTime,MsgTitre,DurationTime,objFolder,CheminDossier,Dossier,Copyright
Dim SizeKo,SizeMo,SizeGo,objShell,fso,size,Sig,OutFile,MsgAttente,oExec,Temp
Copyright = "© Hackoo © 2014"
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
Temp = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
MsgTitre = "Générer une arborescence d'un dossier en HTML "&Copyright&""
MsgAttente = "Veuillez patienter un peu la génération est en cours..."
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Veuillez choisir un dossier "&Copyright, 1, "c:\Programs")
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
End If
CheminDossier = objFolder.self.path
OutFile = objFolder.self.name &".hta"
OutFile = Trim(OutFile)
OutFile = Replace(OutFile,":","")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On error Resume Next
Set Dossier = fso.GetFolder(CheminDossier)
If Err <> 0 Then
    MsgBox Err.Number & VbCrLF & Err.Description,16,MsgTitre
    On Error GoTo 0
End if
SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(Dossier.Size)/(1024),2) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(Dossier.Size)/(1048576),2) & " Mo" 'Taille en Mo avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(Dossier.Size)/(1073741824),2) & " Go" 'Taille en Go avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule

If Dossier.size < 1024 Then
    Size = Dossier.size & " Octets"
elseif Dossier.size < 1048576 Then
    Size = SizeKo
elseif Dossier.size < 1073741824 Then
    Size = SizeMo
    Size = SizeGo
end If
Set oFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFiletxt = oFilesys.CreateTextFile(OutFile,True,-1)
Set Ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

oFiletxt.WriteLine("<html><HTA:APPLICATION SCROLL=""yes"" WINDOWSTATE=""Maximize""icon=""verifier.exe""><body text=white bgcolor=#1234568>"&_
"<meta content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"" http-equiv=""content-type"">"&_
"<style type='text/css'>"&_
"a:link {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:visited {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:active {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:hover {color: #FF9900;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"&_
oFiletxt.writeline "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""VBScript"">"
oFiletxt.writeline "Function Explore(filename)"
oFiletxt.writeline "Set ws=CreateObject(""wscript.Shell"")"
oFiletxt.writeline "ws.run ""Explorer /n,/select,""&filename&"""""
oFiletxt.writeline "End Function"
oFiletxt.writeline "</script>"
Sig = "<center><hr><img src='"&Chr(104)&Chr(116)&Chr(116)&Chr(112)&Chr(58)&Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(110)&Chr(115)&Chr(109)&_
Chr(57)&Chr(46)&Chr(103)&Chr(105)&Chr(102)&"' alt='"&Chr(104)&Chr(97)&_
SourceImgFolder = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... folder.gif"
Call CreateProgressBar(MsgTitre,MsgAttente)'Creation de barre de progression
Call LancerProgressBar()'Lancement de la barre de progression
StartTime = Timer 'Début du Compteur Timer
wscript.sleep 1000
oFiletxt.WriteLine("+ <img src="&SourceImgFolder&"><A href=""#"" OnClick='Explore("""& CheminDossier & """)'>" & CheminDossier & "</A><font color=""Yellow"">&nbsp;&nbsp;["&Size&"]</font><hr>")
Call FermerProgressBar()'Fermeture de barre de progression
DurationTime = FormatNumber(Timer - StartTime, 0) & " seconds." 'La durée de l'exécution du script
Ws.Popup "La génération au format HTML est terminée en "& DurationTime & " !","2",MsgTitre,64
Ws.Run DblQuote(OutFile)
Function List(directory)
    Dim fsoFolder,Folder,subfolders,objFile,objFolder,subfiles,SourceImgFile,NBFiles,Size,SizeKo,SizeMo,SizeGo,SourceImgFolder
    On Error Resume next
    Set fsoFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set folder = fsoFolder.GetFolder(directory)
    Set subfolders = folder.SubFolders
    Set subfiles = folder.Files
    SourceImgFolder = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... folder.gif"
    SourceImgFile = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... t_icon.png"
    NBFiles = 0
    For each objFile in subfiles
        NBFiles = NBFiles + 1
        SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(objFile.Size)/(1024),2) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(objFile.Size)/(1048576),2) & " Mo" 'Taille en Mo avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(objFile.Size)/(1073741824),2) & " Go" 'Taille en Go avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        If objFile.size < 1024 Then
            Size = objFile.size & " Octets"
        elseif objFile.size < 1048576 Then
            Size = SizeKo
        elseif objFile.size < 1073741824 Then
            Size = SizeMo
            Size = SizeGo
        end If
        oFiletxt.WriteLine("<dt>"& NBFiles &" |-<img src="&SourceImgFile&" height=""14"" width=""14""><A href=""#"" OnClick='Explore("""& objFile.Path & """)'>" & objFile.Name & "</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;("&Size&")</dt><br>")

    For each objFolder in subfolders
        SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(objFolder.Size)/(1024),2) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(objFolder.Size)/(1048576),2) & " Mo" 'Taille en Mo avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(objFolder.Size)/(1073741824),2) & " Go" 'Taille en Go avec 2 chiffres après la Virgule
        If objFolder.size < 1024 Then
            Size = objFolder.size & " Octets"
        elseif objFolder.size < 1048576 Then
            Size = SizeKo
        elseif objFolder.size < 1073741824 Then
            Size = SizeMo
            Size = SizeGo
        end If
        oFiletxt.WriteLine("+ <img src="&SourceImgFolder&"><A href=""#"" OnClick='Explore("""& objFolder.Path & """)'>" & objFolder.Path & "</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=""Yellow"">["&Size&"]</font>")
        List(objFolder) 'Appel récusive de la fonction List
End Function
Sub CreateProgressBar(Titre,MsgAttente)
    Dim ws,fso,f,f2,ts,ts2,Ligne,i,fread,LireTout,NbLigneTotal,Temp,PathOutPutHTML,fhta,oExec
    Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
    PathOutPutHTML = Temp & "\Barre.hta"
    Set fhta = fso.OpenTextFile(PathOutPutHTML,2,True)
    fhta.WriteLine "<HTML>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<HEAD>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<Title>  " & Titre & "</Title>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<HTA:APPLICATION"
    fhta.WriteLine "ICON = ""magnify.exe"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "BORDER=""THIN"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "INNERBORDER=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "MAXIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "MINIMIZEBUTTON=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SCROLL=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SYSMENU=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SELECTION=""NO"" "
    fhta.WriteLine "SINGLEINSTANCE=""YES"">"
    fhta.WriteLine "</HEAD>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<BODY text=""white""><CENTER><DIV><SPAN ID=""ProgressBar""></SPAN>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<span><marquee DIRECTION=""LEFT"" SCROLLAMOUNT=""3"" BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE><font face=""Comic sans MS"">" & MsgAttente &"</font></marquee></span></DIV></CENTER></BODY></HTML>"
    fhta.WriteLine "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""VBScript""> "
    fhta.WriteLine "Set ws = CreateObject(""wscript.Shell"")"
    fhta.WriteLine "Temp = WS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(""%Temp%"")"
    fhta.WriteLine "Sub window_onload()"
    fhta.WriteLine "    CenterWindow 430,90"
    fhta.WriteLine "    Self.document.bgColor = ""Orange"" "
    fhta.WriteLine " End Sub"
    fhta.WriteLine " Sub CenterWindow(x,y)"
    fhta.WriteLine "    Dim iLeft,itop"
    fhta.WriteLine "    window.resizeTo x,y"
    fhta.WriteLine "    iLeft = window.screen.availWidth/2 - x/2"
    fhta.WriteLine "    itop = window.screen.availHeight/2 - y/2"
    fhta.WriteLine "    window.moveTo ileft,itop"
    fhta.WriteLine "End Sub"
    fhta.WriteLine "</script>"
End Sub
Sub LancerProgressBar()
    Set oExec = Ws.Exec("mshta.exe " & Temp & "\Barre.hta")
End Sub
Sub FermerProgressBar()
End Sub
Function DblQuote(Str)
    DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function
Thank you for any idea ;)
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Re: [VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by jvierra »

The way you are doing this make no sense. Just put the text into a file with an HTA extension and run it.

There is no control in HTML that behaves like you ask. You would need to create the HTML that causes that to happen.

I recommend spending sometime learning how to write HTML and
how to use an HTA file to perform scripting tasks.
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Re: [VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by jvierra »

I tried to look at what you are doing. If you would take some time to learn HTML and VBScript along with how to design a program I believe your job would become much easier. Most of what you are doing is sort of made up. It may work to some degree but you are doing very thing the hard way.

Sorry but I don't think anyone has the time to try and decode what you have pasted. It has no structure and is very hard to read.
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Re: [VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by jvierra »

Something just happened to the forum. I see my last post is repeated numerous time and the forum listed an exception. "Too many connections"
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Re: [VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by jvierra »

I suggest putting all HTML into a file and, if you need to, load the file and edit it using Replace() although proper program design usually eliminates the need for this.

Just asking "Collapse and Expand?" is not very useful.\

YOU can make a DIV appear to collapse and expand by hiding and showing it. You can also download java script libraries that will perform all kinds of interesting feats. None of these will work with HTML generated the way you are trying to do it.
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Re: [VBS] Collapse and Expand ?

Post by hackoo »

Hi ;)
I found this code written in autoit and using a JQuery to do what i want. Dir2HTML
so i will try if i can integred this javascript into my code :roll:
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