Treeview - Progress Bar or Warning

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Treeview - Progress Bar or Warning

Post by IanUoY »

Hi there

I'm populating a treeview with a selected (recursed) directory structure.

However, where the directory structure is somewhat large it can take a few seconds to display. I have a statusstrip where there is a progress option. Preferably I would like a progress bar, but not sure if this can be done as there is no knowledge of the number of folders (that I'm aware of) ahead of the recurse process, so I can't set min max etc.

At present, I've also got a label in the statusstrip, which after selecting the root folder, it displays a message "Retrieving folder etc". This is then set to "" after the call to the recursive function. Unfortunately, it seems to reset to "" even before the function call is completed. My After Select statement is as below:-

If ($treeview.SelectedNode.Name -ne $root.FullName)
$toolstripstatuslabel1.Text = "Retrieving folder structure for " + $treeview.SelectedNode.Name + " Please wait..."

# $treeview.ImageIndex = 0
$global:childroot = Get-Item ($treeview.SelectedNode.Name)
$treeviewChildren.Nodes.Add($childroot.fullname, $
$toolstripstatuslabel1.Text = ""

If I comment out the last line ie $toolstripstatuslabel1 = "", then the warning is displayed. If the recursive call takes some time ie PoplateChildNodes, why is the warning text cleared?

Any help on this, most appreciated.

If ProgressBar solution, even better.


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Treeview - Progress Bar or Warning

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Re: Treeview - Progress Bar or Warning

Post by IanUoY »

Just an update on this....decided that progress bar was never an option due to the fact I would have to determine number of folders first etc.

However, I discovered that setting the toolstripstatuslabel text was working correctly, but not displaying unless I refreshed the form after setting the text. This only seems to happen when it is set as part of the Treeview_AfterSelect this a bug, as if the text is set from another function or event not associated with treeview it seems to automatically refresh the fields.


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