New-ADUser form

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New-ADUser form

Post by SCSBIT »

Please forgive me if this seems extremely basic. I have been going through the forum and have not found the help that I am looking for. Two problems I have questions on. I am creating a GUI form to create a new active directory user. I am having issues with the password part and the -Name parameter. I am assuming I do not have it formatted correctly. I have tried it with quotes and without quotes but because I am using the two variables $FirstName and $LastName it errors. Also I am having issues with the password.

The error I get for the name is this: New-ADUser : The name provided is not a properly formed account name
The password error is this: ConvertTo-SecureString : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'String' because it is an empty string

Here is my code:

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$textboxPassword.UseSystemPasswordChar = $true
$textboxPasswordConfirm.UseSystemPasswordChar = $true
$FirstName = $textboxFirstName.Text
$LastName = $textboxLastName.Text
$DisplayName = $textboxDisplayName.Text
$Initials = $textboxInitials.Text
$Description = $textboxDescription.Text
$Password = $textboxPassword.Text | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$CostCenter = $textboxCostCenter.Text
$State = $textboxState.Text
$Title = $textboxTitle.Text
$SamAccountName = $TextboxSamAccountName.Text

# Auto Populate Domains
$Forest = Get-ADForest
If ($null -eq $Forest)
	$InfoMessage = 'No Active Directory Forest was found when running Get-ADForest'
	$InfoTitle = "Warning"
	$comboboxDomains.Enabled = $false
	$comboboxDomains.Enabled = $true
	$UPNs = @()
	$extraUPNS = ($Forest | Select-Object UPNSuffixes -ExpandProperty UPNSuffixes)
	If ($extraUPNs -ne $Null)
		foreach ($extraUPN in $extraUPNs)
			$UPNs += "@" + $extraUPN
	$UPNs += "@" + ($Forest | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
	Update-ComboBox -ComboBox $comboboxDomains -Items $UPNs

# Auto Populate Ou's
$OUTree = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -Properties CanonicalName | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Property CanonicalName).CanonicalName
If ($null -eq $OUTree)
	$InfoMessage = 'Could not load Organizational Unit structure'
	$InfoTitle = "Warning"
	$comboboxOUTree.Enabled = $false
	Update-ComboBox -ComboBox $comboboxOUTree -Items $OUTree
	$comboboxOUTree.Enabled = $true

# Auto Populate Groups
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { ($_.Name -ne "Domain Users") -and ($_.Name -ne "Domain Computers") } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object
If ($null -eq $Groups)
	$InfoMessage = 'No Active Directory Group objects were found when running Get-ADGroup'
	$InfoTitle = "Warning"
	Update-ListBox -ListBox $checkedlistboxGroups -Items $Groups

$buttonCreateUser_Click = {
	#TODO: Place custom script here
	 New-ADUser `
									  -Name "$FirstName $LastName" `
									  -DisplayName "$FirstName $LastName" `
									  -Description $Description `
									  -Initials $Initials `
									  -Company $CostCenter `
									  -State $State `
									  -Title $Title `
									  -SamAccountName $SamAccountName `
									  -UserPrincipalName "$ `
									  -AccountPassword $Password
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Re: New-ADUser form

Post by davidc »

SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: New-ADUser form

Post by jvierra »

Here is how to do this and how to manage a large number of parameters. This also avoids scoping issues.

Code: Select all

$buttonCreateUser_Click = {
    $userprops = @{
        Name = '{0} {1}' -f $textboxFirstName.Text,$textboxLastName.Text
        DisplayName = '{0} {1}' -f $textboxFirstName.Text, $textboxLastName.Text
        Description = $textboxDescription.Text
        Initials = $textboxInitials.Text
        Company = $textboxCostCenter.Text
        State = $textboxState.Text
        Title = $textboxTitle.Text
        SamAccountName = $TextboxSamAccountName.Text
        UserPrincipalName = '{0}' -f $TextboxSamAccountName.Text
        AccountPassword = $textboxPassword.Text | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    New-ADUser @userprops
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