Adding text to a listbox

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Adding text to a listbox

Post by nai0248 »

I'm new to the GUI designer and attempting to use a Wizard tabbed form. The first tab is informational only, the second tab to select a collection of files and folders, and third tab takes data from the file in tab two to populate two listboxes. If the input file is an xml ([xml]...Get-Content, only one listbox is populated (Mission Partner Name). The Select Platform is not populated. If the input file is a text (CSV) file (Import-CSV), both listboxes are populated but all the values are include: @{Target=}. if the value is book it appears as @{Target=book}. I'm also a little new to PowerShell as well. Code attached and below...
Not sure why xml is not populating listbox and why csv is including additional characters.

Code: Select all

Function Get-FileName($Title, $FormType, $FileType)
	[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") |
	switch ($FormType)
		'OpenFileDialog' {
			$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$FormType
			$OpenFileDialog.title = $Title
			$OpenFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = $true
			$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $pwd #$initialDirectory
			$OpenFileDialog.filter = $FileType
			$OpenFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true
			$file = $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{ TopMost = $true }))
			[int]$x = 0
			[int]$i = 0
			If ($file -eq "OK")
				Write-Host "Operation cancelled by user" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor White
		'FolderBrowserDialog' {
			$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$FormType
			$OpenFileDialog.Description = $Title
			$OpenFileDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = 'False'
			$OpenFileDialog.RootFolder = 'MyComputer'
			$file = $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{ TopMost = $true }))
			[int]$x = 0
			[int]$i = 0
			If ($file -eq "OK")
				Write-Host "Operation cancelled by user" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor White
} #end function Get-FileName

# NOTE: When new TabPage added place the validation code
# 		in the Validate-WizardPage function.
function Validate-WizardPage
	Add TabPages and place the validation code in this function
	if($tabPage -eq $tabpageStep1)
		#TODO: Enter Validation Code here for Step 1
		if(-not $labelIntent.Text)
			return $false	
		return $true
	elseif ($tabPage -eq $tabpageStep2)
		#TODO: Enter Validation Code here for Step 2
		# if ((Test-Path $textbox1.Text -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path $textbox2.Text -PathType Container) -and (Test-Path $textbox3.Text -PathType Container))
		if ($textbox1.Text -and $textbox2.Text -and $textbox3.Text)
			return $true
		return $false
	elseif ($tabPage -eq $tabpageStep3)
		#TODO: Enter Validation Code here for Step 3
		if(	$radiobuttonSCAP.Checked -or
			return $true
	#Add more pages here
	return $false

	# TODO: Place finalization script here

#region Events and Functions

function Update-NavButtons
		Validates the current tab and Updates the Next, Prev and Finish buttons.
	$enabled = Validate-WizardPage $tabcontrolWizard.SelectedTab
	$buttonNext.Enabled = $enabled -and ($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -lt $tabcontrolWizard.TabCount - 1)
	$buttonBack.Enabled = $tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -gt 0
	$buttonFinish.Enabled = $enabled -and ($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -eq $tabcontrolWizard.TabCount - 1)	
	#Uncomment to Hide Buttons
	#$buttonNext.Visible = ($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -lt $tabcontrolWizard.TabCount - 1)
	#$buttonFinish.Visible = ($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -eq $tabcontrolWizard.TabCount - 1)

$script:DeselectedIndex = -1
#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs]
	# Store the previous tab index
	$script:DeselectedIndex = $_.TabPageIndex

#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs]
	# We only validate if we are moving to the Next TabPage. 
	# Users can move back without validating
	if($script:DeselectedIndex -ne -1 -and $script:DeselectedIndex -lt $_.TabPageIndex)
		#Validate each page until we reach the one we want
		for($index = $script:DeselectedIndex; $index -lt $_.TabPageIndex; $index++)
			$_.Cancel = -not (Validate-WizardPage $tabcontrolWizard.TabPages[$index])
				# Cancel and Return if validation failed.

	#Go to the previous tab page
	if($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -gt 0)

	#Go to the next tab page
	if($tabcontrolWizard.SelectedIndex -lt $tabcontrolWizard.TabCount - 1)


function Load-ListBox 
		This functions helps you load items into a ListBox or CheckedListBox.
		Use this function to dynamically load items into the ListBox control.
		The ListBox control you want to add items to.
		The object or objects you wish to load into the ListBox's Items collection.
	.PARAMETER  DisplayMember
		Indicates the property to display for the items in this control.
	.PARAMETER  SelectionMode
		Allows multi-selection of items in the ListBox.
		Adds the item(s) to the ListBox without clearing the Items collection.
		Load-ListBox $ListBox1 "Red", "White", "Blue"
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "Red" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "White" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "Blue" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 (Get-Process) "ProcessName"
	Param (
	If ($SelectionMode)
		$ListBox.SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
	if(-not $Append)
	if($Items -is [System.Windows.Forms.ListBox+ObjectCollection] -or $Items -is [System.Collections.ICollection])
	elseif ($Items -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable])
		foreach($obj in $Items)
	$listBox.DisplayMember = $DisplayMember

# NOTE: When a Control State changes you should call
# 		Update-NavButtons to trigger validation

$button1_Click = {
	#TODO: Place custom script here
	$textbox1.Text = Get-FileName -Title "Select ESPS File" -FormType "OpenFileDialog" -FileType "XML Data (*.xml)|*.xml|Comma delimited File (*.csv)|*.csv"
	$ESPSPath = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($textbox1.Text)
	$ESPSFileExtension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($textbox1.Text)
	If ($ESPSFileExtension -eq ".xml")
		[xml]$ESPSDetails = Get-Content $textbox1.Text
		$Platforms = $ | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
		$MissionPartners = $ESPSDetails.ServerToolkitFindings.ServerToolkitFinding.MissionPartner | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
		#		Load-ListBox $listbox1 -Items $Platform
		#		Load-ListBox $listbox2 -Items $MissionPartner
		Foreach ($Platform in $Platforms) #Populate Listbox on 3rd tab
			# [void]$listbox1.Items.Add($Platform)
			Load-ListBox $listbox1 $Platform -SelectionMode -Append
		foreach ($MissionPartner in $MissionPartners)
			# [void]$listbox2.Items.Add($MissionPartner)
			Load-ListBox $listbox2 $MissionPartner -Append
		$ESPSDetails = Import-Csv $textbox1.Text
		$Platforms = $ESPSDetails | select Target | Sort Target -Unique
		$MissionPartners = $ESPSDetails | select MissionPartner | Sort MissionPartner -Unique
		#		Load-ListBox $listbox1 -Items $Platform
		#		Load-ListBox $listbox2 -Items $MissionPartner
		Foreach ($Platform in $Platforms) #Populate Listbox on 3rd tab
			# [void]$listbox1.Items.Add($Platform)
			Load-ListBox $listbox1 $Platform -SelectionMode -Append
		foreach ($MissionPartner in $MissionPartners)
			# [void]$listbox2.Items.Add($MissionPartner)
			Load-ListBox $listbox2 $MissionPartner -Append

$button2_Click = {
	$textbox2.Text = Get-FileName -Title "Select folder of the source STIG files" -FormType "FolderBrowserDialog"

$button3_Click = {
	$textbox3.Text = Get-FileName -Title "Specify Folder for new STIG file(s)" -FormType "FolderBrowserDialog"


$textbox2_TextChanged = {

$textbox3_TextChanged = {

$checkboxCheckToContinue_CheckedChanged = {

$radiobuttonOption_CheckedChanged = {
	if ($this.Checked)

$listbox1_SelectedIndexChanged = {

$listbox2_SelectedIndexChanged = {

$checkboxIncludeACASScanRepor_CheckedChanged = {

#region Control Helper Functions
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Last edited by nai0248 on Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

Hello nai0248

Without your files it would be very difficult to understand what the issue is. At a quick glance it appears that your XML extraction is incorrect. The selectin methods used will return nodes and not text and this cannot be displayed in a ListBox.

Create a simple form and just load the listbox to see the failure. Post the simple form and a copy of the XML if you cannot see the source of your issue.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by nai0248 »

Updated, Sorry for the large file size.

Code: Select all

Function Get-FileName($Title, $FormType, $FileType)
	[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") |
	switch ($FormType)
		'OpenFileDialog' {
			$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$FormType
			$OpenFileDialog.title = $Title
			$OpenFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = $true
			$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $pwd #$initialDirectory
			$OpenFileDialog.filter = $FileType
			$OpenFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true
			$file = $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{ TopMost = $true }))
			[int]$x = 0
			[int]$i = 0
			If ($file -eq "OK")
				Write-Host "Operation cancelled by user" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor White
		'FolderBrowserDialog' {
			$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$FormType
			$OpenFileDialog.Description = $Title
			$OpenFileDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = 'False'
			$OpenFileDialog.RootFolder = 'MyComputer'
			$file = $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{ TopMost = $true }))
			[int]$x = 0
			[int]$i = 0
			If ($file -eq "OK")
				Write-Host "Operation cancelled by user" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor White
} #end function Get-FileName

	#TODO: Initialize Form Controls here

#region Control Helper Functions
function Load-ListBox
		This functions helps you load items into a ListBox or CheckedListBox.
		Use this function to dynamically load items into the ListBox control.
		The ListBox control you want to add items to.
		The object or objects you wish to load into the ListBox's Items collection.
	.PARAMETER  DisplayMember
		Indicates the property to display for the items in this control.
	.PARAMETER  SelectionMode
		Allows multi-selection of items in the ListBox.
		Adds the item(s) to the ListBox without clearing the Items collection.
		Load-ListBox $ListBox1 "Red", "White", "Blue"
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "Red" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "White" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 "Blue" -Append
		Load-ListBox $listBox1 (Get-Process) "ProcessName"
	Param (
		[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
		[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
		[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
	If ($SelectionMode)
		$ListBox.SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
	if (-not $Append)
	if ($Items -is [System.Windows.Forms.ListBox+ObjectCollection] -or $Items -is [System.Collections.ICollection])
	elseif ($Items -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable])
		foreach ($obj in $Items)
	$listBox.DisplayMember = $DisplayMember

$buttonLoadFile_Click = {
	$textbox1.Text = Get-FileName -Title "Select File" -FormType "OpenFileDialog" -FileType "XML Data (*.xml)|*.xml|Comma delimited File (*.csv)|*.csv"
	$ESPSPath = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($textbox1.Text)
	$ESPSFileExtension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($textbox1.Text)
	If ($ESPSFileExtension -eq ".xml")
		[xml]$ESPSDetails = Get-Content $textbox1.Text
		$Platform = $ | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
		$MissionPartner = $ESPSDetails.ServerToolkitFindings.ServerToolkitFinding.MissionPartner | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
		Load-ListBox $listbox2 $Platform -SelectionMode
		Load-ListBox $listbox1 $MissionPartner
		$ESPSDetails = Import-Csv $textbox1.Text
		$Platforms = $ESPSDetails | select Target | Sort Target -Unique
		$MissionPartners = $ESPSDetails | select MissionPartner | Sort MissionPartner -Unique
		Load-ListBox $listbox2 $Platforms -SelectionMode
		foreach ($MissionPartner in $MissionPartners)
			Load-ListBox $listbox1 $MissionPartner -Append

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Last edited by nai0248 on Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

The XML file loads into both ListBoxes. What is it that is supposed to happen? I still cannot quite understand what you are trying to do.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by nai0248 »

I was able to figure out the issue. Essentially with Import-CSV and populating the list box, the header from the field was getting included with each data entry with the format @{headername=data}. I first tried to eliminate the Header using

Code: Select all

FT -HideTableHeaders
but that gave me a bunch of...


To fix this issue I added to my select statement; select fieldname -ExpandProperty feildname
Now only the intended data is populated in the list box.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

I thought it was the XML that was an issue?
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

The following code makes no sense. It loads the same thing into both list boxes incorrectly.

Code: Select all

		$ESPSDetails = Import-Csv $textbox1.Text
		$Platforms = $ESPSDetails | select Target | Sort Target -Unique
		$MissionPartners = $ESPSDetails | select MissionPartner | Sort MissionPartner -Unique
		Load-ListBox $listbox2 $Platforms -SelectionMode
		foreach ($MissionPartner in $MissionPartners)
			Load-ListBox $listbox1 $MissionPartner -Append
Here is how to do what it appears you are trying to do. Notice how I changed the code.

Code: Select all

        $ESPSDetails = Import-Csv $textbox1.Text | select target,MissionPartner

        $partners = $ESPSDetails | sort MissionPartner -Unique
        Load-ListBox $listbox1 $partners -DisplayMember MissionPartner

        $target = $ESPSDetails | sort Target -Unique
        Load-ListBox $listbox2 $target -DisplayMember Target
If you really want a relational view thenyou have to filter the two first by the related field.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

Relational filtering:

$systemtarget = $ESPSDetails | where{$_.MissionPartner -eq 'System2' }| select target -unique
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by jvierra »

If you load the CSV to a DataTable the sort and relation can be defined and the lists will be automatic.
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Re: Adding text to a listbox

Post by Jesssmart »

The best аnd easiest wаy to do this is to use a dataset and filter the dataview as the text is filled in. This will keep all data and allow the filter to just adjust the visible items..
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