Active Directory Schema

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Active Directory Schema

Post by galliar »


I have a script copied from a primal script example. I am wondering for the select statement, where can I get a list of all valid fields? I would like to pick up description and other fields.



' ' Copyright (c) SAPIEN Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved' This file is part of the PrimalScript 2007 Code Samples.' ' File: ADPhoneBook.vbs ' ' Comments:' This is sample code you could use to create a phone book' based on user account information in Active Directory' ' Disclaimer: This source code is intended only as a supplement to ' SAPIEN Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. ' See these other materials for detailed information ' regarding SAPIEN code samples.' ' THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY' KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE' IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A' PARTICULAR PURPOSE.' ' **************************************************************************
On Error Resume Next
Dim objConn,objCmd,objRS Set objConn=Createobject("ADODB.Connection")Set objCmd=CreateObject("ADODB.Command")Set objRoot=Getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")Set objDomain=Getobject("LDAP://"& objRoot.get("DefaultNamingContext"))strQuery="Select cn,telephonenumber,physicaldeliveryofficename,mail from '" & _ objDomain.AdsPath & "' Where objectCategory='person' AND " & _ "objectclass='user'"set objCatalog=Getobject("GC:")for each objItem In objCatalog Set objGC=objItemNextobjConn.Provider="ADSDSOobject"objConn.Open "Active Directory Provider"objCmd.ActiveConnection=objConnobjCmd.Properties("Page Size") = 100objCmd.Properties("asynchronous")=TrueobjCmd.Properties("Timeout") =30objCmd.Properties("Cache Results") = FalseobjCmd.CommandText=strQueryset objRS=objCmd.Executedo while not objRS.EOF WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("cn") WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("telephonenumber") WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("physicaldeliveryofficename") WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("mail") objRS.movenextLoopobjRS.CloseobjConn.Close
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