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RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:24 am
by monoeagle

I have a little Problem with my dry practice.


Code: Select all

 test (aaa-b-cc11)
 test (aaa-b-cc11)
 test (aaa-b-cc12)
 test (aaa-b-cc11)
result should be

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

$result = $doc.SelectNodes("//Object") |  Where-Object {($_.Name -like '*-b-cc1*')}  | %{$_.Name} | %{ $_ -Replace '^.*([a-z]{3}-b-cc1[1-4])$','$1' } | Sort-Object -Unique
The problem is that the resultlist looks like the source, sorted and unique but the regex won't be applicated.

with the following replace the resultlist is ok

Code: Select all

$result = $doc.SelectNodes("//NCPObject") |  Where-Object {($_.Name -like '*-b-cc1*')}  |  % { $_.Name } | % { ([String]$_).Replace("Test","")} | % { ([String]$_).Replace(" (","")} | % { ([String]$_).Replace(")","")} | Sort-Object -Unique
but its static and if something will change out of the names I have to change the row in the script.

The second static way:

Code: Select all

$result = $doc.SelectNodes("//NCPObject") |  Where-Object {($_.Name -like '*-b-cc1*')}  | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | %{
if($_.Length -gt 10){
} | Sort-Object -Unique
The funny thing at this try is that the resultlist ist smaller than the first static way. cc12 and cc14 will be lost in the result list but the like in the where-object doesn't change.

But if the RegEx will work I can ignore the static ways.
Where is the error in reasoning?


Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:48 am
by jvierra
What is a "dry practice"? What is it that you are trying to do?

It appears that you may be trying to extract something from some unknown XML. What you have provided is unclear and what you are asking is too vague. I know it seems clear to you but we cannot see what you are doing. Please try to ask a clear and complete question.

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:04 am
by monoeagle

dry practice(from the translator or in german "trockenübung") --> cutting the script down and testing the smallest part in the ISE.

The source list is the result from an xml file, which I can't upload that's why I postet what as source is delivered.

Code: Select all

$doc.SelectNodes("//Object") |  Where-Object {($_.Name -like '*-b-cc1*')}  | %{$_.Name} | %{ $_ -Replace '^.*([a-z]{3}-b-cc1[1-4])$','$1' } | Sort-Object -Unique
Step 1: select all nodes where Name strukture is *-b-cc1* --> runs
Step 2: just give me the Name Values --> runs
Step 3: correct the Values that the list just contains the correct part --> didn't run with RegEx, in the static ways it runs

As in the first Post, the resultlist should be without "test", "(" and ")" in the Value.

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:15 am
by jvierra
Are you trying to say that you want to extract what is inside of "()". What is it you are trying to do. You are saying a lot but failing to ask a clear question.

'(test)' -match '\((.*)\)'

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:34 am
by monoeagle
hmmm sry I thought that what the source and result should be is understandable.

Yes I want the name inside the "(" <name> ")".

That's why I wrote the RegEx '^.*([a-z]{3}-b-cc1[1-4])$' to find in a variable string the Nameblock.

the first 3 positions are letters
-b-cc1 is allready the same
the last number could be 1 till 4

If I try your example at my snippet:

Code: Select all

$result= $doc.SelectNodes("//NCPObject") |  Where-Object {($_.Name -like '*-b-cc1*')}  |  % { $_.Name } | %{
if($_.Length -gt 10){
 $_ -match '\((.*)\)'
} | Sort-Object -Unique
But it doesn't work.

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:55 am
by monoeagle
new dummy try

Code: Select all

$result = ''

$input = @('aaa-b-cc11';'aaa-b-cc12';'aaa-b-cc14';'vvv-b-cc11';'test (rrr-b-cc11)')

Write-Host '-------------------'

$result = @()

foreach($value in $input){


if($value.Length -gt 10){

     if($value -match '\((.*)\)'){
     $new = $result += $matches[1]
     $new = $result += $value.ToString()


Code: Select all

test (rrr-b-cc11)
=) It runs. =) THX

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:53 am
by jvierra
"$input" is a reserved value and cannot be assigned. Much of your syntax is incorrect or illegal. I recommend that you go back to the books and review the basics. Check the syntax of each line you try to use. Check the full help for the syntax or command. Eventually you will learn where you are missing basic information on how to use PowerShell.

The following works exactly as expected. Find all of my changes and try to understand why I made the change. It will help you find some of our misunderstanding of PowerShell.

Code: Select all

$values = @(
	'test (rrr-b-cc11)'

foreach ($value in $values) {
	if ($value -match '\((.*)\)') {
		Write-Host ('Match:'+$matches[1]) -fore green
	} else {
		Write-Host ('No Match:' + $value) -ForegroundColor red

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:56 am
by jvierra
The short version is this:

$results = $values | ForEach-Object{if($_ -match '\((.*)\)') {$matches[1]}else{$_}}

Re: RegEx in dry practicing will not run

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:15 pm
by monoeagle
Good morning jvierra,


if you mean the ";"'s in the $input, why it doesn't throw an syntaxerror?
