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Making data grid item a hyperlink

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:58 am
by rocky.pabillore
Hi everyone, I have a simple but really difficult task on creating our "Printer Status hub".

I want the portname to be a link so i can open it via default browser.
I know I have to specify it but I can't figure this out.

#region Control Helper Functions
function Update-DataGridView
This functions helps you load items into a DataGridView.

Use this function to dynamically load items into the DataGridView control.

The DataGridView control you want to add items to.

The object or objects you wish to load into the DataGridView's items collection.

Sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which the DataGridView is displaying data.

.PARAMETER AutoSizeColumns
Resizes DataGridView control's columns after loading the items.
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]$AutoSizeColumns = 'None'
$DataGridView.DataMember = $DataMember

if ($Item -is [System.Data.DataSet] -and $Item.Tables.Count -gt 0)
$DataGridView.DataSource = $Item.Tables[0]
elseif ($Item -is [System.ComponentModel.IListSource]`
-or $Item -is [System.ComponentModel.IBindingList] -or $Item -is [System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView])
$DataGridView.DataSource = $Item
$array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

if ($Item -is [System.Collections.IList])
$DataGridView.DataSource = $array

if ($AutoSizeColumns -ne 'None')


function ConvertTo-DataTable
Converts objects into a DataTable.

Converts objects into a DataTable, which are used for DataBinding.

.PARAMETER InputObject
The input to convert into a DataTable.

The DataTable you wish to load the input into.

.PARAMETER RetainColumns
This switch tells the function to keep the DataTable's existing columns.

.PARAMETER FilterWMIProperties
This switch removes WMI properties that start with an underline.

$DataTable = ConvertTo-DataTable -InputObject (Get-Process)
param (

if ($null -eq $Table)
$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable

if ($InputObject -is [System.Data.DataTable])
$Table = $InputObject
elseif ($InputObject -is [System.Data.DataSet] -and $InputObject.Tables.Count -gt 0)
$Table = $InputObject.Tables[0]
if (-not $RetainColumns -or $Table.Columns.Count -eq 0)
#Clear out the Table Contents

if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return } #Empty Data

$object = $null
#find the first non null value
foreach ($item in $InputObject)
if ($null -ne $item)
$object = $item

if ($null -eq $object) { return } #All null then empty

#Get all the properties in order to create the columns
foreach ($prop in $object.PSObject.Get_Properties())
if (-not $FilterWMIProperties -or -not $prop.Name.StartsWith('__')) #filter out WMI properties
#Get the type from the Definition string
$type = $null

if ($null -ne $prop.Value)
try { $type = $prop.Value.GetType() }
catch { Out-Null }

if ($null -ne $type) # -and [System.Type]::GetTypeCode($type) -ne 'Object')
[void]$table.Columns.Add($prop.Name, $type)
else #Type info not found

if ($object -is [System.Data.DataRow])
foreach ($item in $InputObject)
return @( ,$Table)

foreach ($item in $InputObject)
$row = $table.NewRow()

if ($item)
foreach ($prop in $item.PSObject.Get_Properties())
if ($table.Columns.Contains($prop.Name))
$row.Item($prop.Name) = $prop.Value

return @( ,$Table)

#TODO: Initialize Form Controls here


#TODO: Place custom script here

$buttonLoad_Click= {
#TODO: Place custom script here
# ---------------------------------
# Sample Code to Load Grid
# ---------------------------------
$printerservers = ("server01","server02")
ForEach ($printerserver in $PrinterServers)
$name = get-printer -ComputerName $printerserver | Where-Object { $_.PrinterStatus -eq "Normal" } | Select-Object Name, portname, printerstatus
$printers = $name
Update-DataGridView -DataGridView $datagridviewResults -Item $printers-AutoSizeColumns DisplayedCells

# ---------------------------------
# Sample Code to Load Sortable Data
# ---------------------------------
# $processes = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Namespace "Root\CIMV2"
# $table = ConvertTo-DataTable -InputObject $processes -FilterWMIProperties
# Update-DataGridView -DataGridView $datagridviewResults -Item $table -AutoSizeColumns DisplayedCells

#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs]
if($datagridviewResults.DataSource -is [System.Data.DataTable])
$column = $datagridviewResults.Columns[$_.ColumnIndex]
$direction = [System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection]::Ascending

if($column.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection -eq 'Descending')
$direction = [System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection]::Descending

$datagridviewResults.Sort($datagridviewResults.Columns[$_.ColumnIndex], $direction)

#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs]
#TODO: Place custom script here


Re: Making data grid item a hyperlink

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:40 am
by jvierra
Not sure what you are trying to ask.

To get a hyperlink column you will have to create a column that is designed as a hyperlink an bind the column to the field you want as a hyperlink.

Re: Making data grid item a hyperlink

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:07 pm
by rocky.pabillore
Where do you set that?

Re: Making data grid item a hyperlink

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:13 pm
by jvierra
In the designer add the column and select hyperlink as the column control type.