Search found 7 matches

by monderick
Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:39 am
Forum: PowerShell GUIs
Topic: trouble with responsive form
Replies: 0
Views: 6153

trouble with responsive form

i went through the 'creating responsive forms' blog post and have a 99% working script but cannot find where to insert the $script:timer.Stop() to reset the loop in the below listbox snippet. the function updates the richtextbox and loop works great but locks the GUI. if i write the same function fo...
by monderick
Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:48 am
Forum: PowerShell
Topic: trouble with start-job and passing variables to remote server
Replies: 1
Views: 13604

Re: trouble with start-job and passing variables to remote server

i got this working by adding '$workstationsreal = $Using:workstationsreal' into scriptblock, thinking it becomes a global variable. good news is that the main script spawns a separate powershell process when a selectioin is made in the listbox for $job to run but it still locks the GUI when i add a ...
by monderick
Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:44 am
Forum: PowerShell
Topic: trouble with start-job and passing variables to remote server
Replies: 1
Views: 13604

trouble with start-job and passing variables to remote server

trying to learn my way through preventing a looping sub-command not locking up the GUI while pulling selection from a listbox (overall script it for retrieving Citrix registration status of a virtual workstation from remote server) . found that the '$using' syntax makes a variable available inside t...
by monderick
Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:59 am
Forum: PowerShell
Topic: 'combobox updated by another combobox' question
Replies: 1
Views: 1350

Re: 'combobox updated by another combobox' question

found my error in case anyone else stumbles on this and was missing a line to actually update the second combobox $VMType_Combo_SelectedIndexChanged = { If ($VMType_Combo.text -eq "non-developer") {$Mem_Combo.SelectedIndex = "1" } Else { $Mem_Combo.SelectedIndex = "5" }...
by monderick
Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:28 am
Forum: PowerShell
Topic: 'combobox updated by another combobox' question
Replies: 1
Views: 1350

'combobox updated by another combobox' question

Hello, I've read some examples of the combobox 'SelectedIndexChanged' function but struggling to understand if the code should so in the form selection area of the first combobox or the second one. My script is for deploying new VMs and now has the task of determining the memory allocation based upo...
by monderick
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:53 am
Forum: PowerShell GUIs
Topic: textbox appendtext
Replies: 3
Views: 13405

Re: textbox appendtext

thanks, Alexander! pointed me in the correct direction and output is as expected now made no alterations under the individual controls $buttonProvision_Click = { $FirstNameSTR = $FirstNameCTL.text $LastNameSTR = $LastNameCTL.text #TODO: Place custom script here if ($radiobuttonInvited.Checked -eq $t...
by monderick
Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:42 am
Forum: PowerShell GUIs
Topic: textbox appendtext
Replies: 3
Views: 13405

textbox appendtext

I searched for a solution for my issue with AppendText but didn't find anything. trying to append the input from multiple text boxes into a "summary" text box but it is adding the below text marked in red for each input i'm missing something obvious to avoid this and prevent that text from...