Thank you to everyone who participated in the latest Windows PowerShell survey. We wanted to see what PowerShell versions people are currently using, and especially what percentage are using version 2.0. We also wanted to understand how frequently the survey…
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The PowerShell team released Windows PowerShell 5.0 on Windows 10 last year and just re-released Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 for earlier versions of Windows. But, we know from years of experience that many people don’t upgrade their versions quickly.…
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We’re always evaluating the best, easiest, and most efficient ways to write, run, and publish Windows Powershell scripts and modules. But, our starting point is always how people work now.
We were curious about how PowerShell scripters, including managers, ran…
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It’s one of those questions that probably divides people into clans, like where you place your curly braces in a script block.
Take the survey: How do you run scripts?
But, it’s an important question for productivity. Those of us…
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Look to the right. A new blog poll is up. We would like to know which panels in PrimalScript you use regularly.
That doesn’t mean you need to have one visible all the time to check it. If you use…
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