PowerShell Studio 2015 – What’s new?

The new version of PowerShell Studio is upon us. All major releases are included as a free upgrade for those with an active subscription.


PowerShell Studio 2015


We worked hard on overhauling the parser and other internal systems so that we can implement your requested features and improve the overall editing experience in PowerShell Studio 2015.

Here are some of the new additions to PowerShell Studio 2015:


Improved Syntax Coloring

We improved the syntax coloring so that it better reflects the complexities of Windows PowerShell.


Double Quote Strings

As per your request, variables and sub-expressions are now colored in double quote strings:



PrimalSense and Parameter Sets

PowerShell Studio 2015 will display the syntax for each parameter set defined in your functions:


It also displays the syntax for dot sourced files:



And even project files:


The comment-based help synopsis is now displayed as well.


Casting and Types

In PowerShell Studio 2015 we improved type coloring to include subtypes:


As always, PowerShell Studio only colors valid types in order to provide you with visual cues when something isn’t right:



Improved Contextual PrimalSense

We improved the PrimalSense to make it easier to pick up where you left off. PowerShell Studio’s PrimalSense is now more contextually aware.

Press [Ctrl + Space] to bring up the PrimalSense:


The PrimalSense will list the appropriate items depending on the context.


PrimalSense for parameter attributes:



These internal changes are stepping stones to future improvements. Our current subscription model allows us to continuously release new features without holding back for the next major release.

Stay tuned for new feature announcements.