Invoke-Command on multiple servers

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Invoke-Command on multiple servers

Post by Jan.Kaspar »

Hello guys,

I am trying to write script for deployment agent to selected servers.

App is just directory with some files and exe. Exe support paramater for install as service. I can run invoke command for selected computer and it works. But I wanna have progress bar and run it on all computer in paralel.

Without progress bar I can simplz do it using invoke-command:

Code: Select all

$session = new-pssession -computername $SelectedItems -Name "DeployCMK"
Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock {...Loong script... }

I was thinking about solution:

Code: Select all

$session = new-pssession -computername $SelectedItems -Name "DeployCMK"

$result = Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock {...part 1... Return $bool}
statusbar1.value = 10

If ($result) {
Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock {...part 2...}
statusbar1.value = 20

Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock {...part 4...}
statusbar1.value = 30

Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock {...part 5...}
statusbar1.value = 40
But I have a problem with part one, there is check if app is in actual version. If it is true. Stop proccesing installation / update. Problem is that if I run it against one server it work. If i select multiple servers and at least one of them is actual ($result = $true) it stop all others..

How can i do it correctly?


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Re: Invoke-Command on multiple servers

Post by jvierra »

Sorry but it is very hard to understand what you are asking. You are missing most of the code that does your process. What you have posted does not explain what is happening.

The undefined scriptblocks are not much help here.

Rethink your question and try to ask it with more useful information.
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Re: Invoke-Command on multiple servers

Post by Jan.Kaspar »

I have a script to deploy monitoring agent to servers. This script is executed at startup by GPO.

Code: Select all

# Service Stop
Start-Transcript -Path C:\Windows\cmk.txt
#  Functions
function CompareFileVersion	{
Try {
	$Primary = Get-FileHash $PrimaryFile -Algorithm SHA256 -ErrorAction Stop | Select Hash -ExpandProperty Hash
Catch {
    Write-Host "Error: Cannot get primary file Hash!"

Try {
	$Secondary = Get-FileHash $SecondaryFile -Algorithm SHA256 | select Hash -ExpandProperty Hash
Catch {
	$Secondary = $null

If($Primary -eq $Secondary) {
		Return $True		
	Else {
		Return $False
# Stop agent
If(!(CompareFileVersion \\monitor\AGENT\CMK\check_mk_agent.exe C:\Windows\CMK\check_mk_agent.exe)){
    Write-Verbose "Newer version of agent was found. Updating..." -Verbose
    If (Get-Service -Name "check_mk_agent" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        If((get-service -Name "check_mk_agent").Status -ne "Stopped"){
            stop-service -Name "check_mk_agent" -Force -Verbose         
			$loop = 0
			While((get-service -Name "check_mk_agent").Status -ne "Stopped"){
                Start-sleep -s 2
        		If($loop -eq 10) {
            		Write-Verbose "Agent was not Stopped in time limit." -Verbose
#  Remove Agent
        Write-Verbose "Removing Agent..." -Verbose
        Start-Process C:\Windows\CMK\check_mk_agent.exe -ArgumentList remove -Verbose   
        $exist = $true
		$loop = 0
        While ($exist -eq $true){
            If (!(Get-Service -Name "check_mk_agent" -ErrorAction 'Ignore')) {      
        	    $exist = $false
			    Write-Verbose "Removing service..." -Verbose
			Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        	If($loop -eq 10) {
            	Write-Verbose "Agent was not removed in time limit." -Verbose
#  Install agent
    Copy-Item "\\monitor\AGENT\CMK" "C:\Windows" -Recurse -Force -Filter * -Verbose  
    Start-Process C:\Windows\CMK\check_mk_agent.exe -ArgumentList install -Verbose
    Write-Verbose "Instaling Agent..." -Verbose
    $exist = $false
    $loop = 0
    While($exist -eq $false) {
        If(Get-Service -Name "check_mk_agent" -ErrorAction Ignore) { 
            $exist = $true
			Write-Verbose "Installing service..." -Verbose
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        If($loop -eq 10)
            Write-Verbose "Agent was not installed in time limit." -Verbose
#  Start Agent
    Write-Verbose "Staring Agent..." -Verbose
    Start-Service -Name check_mk_agent -Verbose
    $loop = 0
    While ((get-service -Name "check_mk_agent").status -eq "Stopped") {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        If($loop -eq 10)
            Write-Verbose "Agent was not started in time limit." -Verbose
	Write-Verbose "Finish" -Verbose
	Write-Verbose "Agent is up to date." -Verbose	

This works correctly.

I want to execute this script to update agent without restart server remotely. So I use:

Code: Select all

$SelectedItems = $lstServers1.SelectedItems
$session = new-pssession -computername $SelectedItems -Name "DeployCMK"

Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock { Code Above }
This is also OK.

I wanna to get probgress bar that will indicate phase of deployment:

stop agent seciton 10%
copy file section 20%
remove section 30% etc.

But i dont know how, because of remote execution. I tryed to split up scrip to multiple parts. As it is in first post.

But problem is first part if I run script on multiple servers at time. In first part there is check if agent is up to date using filehash. If agent is up to date update will be skipped. If run script on multiple servers and one of them is up to date, it skip all of them.

This is hard to explain.

SOlution can be use of:

Code: Select all

foreach ($server in $SelectedItems)
   $session = new-pssession -computername $SelectedItems -Name "DeployCMK"
   Invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock { Code Above }

But I will aplly on 100 servers, it will spend a lot of time.

Posts: 15439
Last visit: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:37 pm
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Re: Invoke-Command on multiple servers

Post by jvierra »

What you want is a workflow. You cannot use a progress bar remotely. You can split the script but that seems foolish.

Look into workflows or jobs. They can be monitored for progress and will run in parallel. Invoke-Command wwill not run in parallel unless we use the AsJob parameter.

help Invoke-Command -par AsJob

Output from the jobs can be polled and used to track progress.

Get-Job | Receive-Job

This will retrieve message returned from the remote script.

Workflow gives as a more robust and flexible way to run a multithreaded process against multiple targets. It also has full support for all remoting needs.
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