Scripting Toolkit ISO available for download

For some time now, SAPIEN has been distributing a free “Scripting Toolkit” CD at various trade shows and events. This CD contains copies of all of our free tools, trial versions of our paid applications, samples of our ebooks and…
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PrimalScript 2009 and Windows 7

Since the release of Windows 7 we have been getting a huge number of calls and emails asking if PrimalScript 2009 (and other SAPIEN software) is compatible with and supported under Windows 7. The short answer to that is: YES.…
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Connecting PrimalSQL to MySQL 5.1

Many organizations use MySQL as the back end database to their web sites and other infrastructure operations. While MySQL offers its own set of GUI too for database management, using a generic database tool like PrimalSQL has several advantages, especially…
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